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Scoresheets - Fossils

Physg3ar/3br Scoresheets
PhysgAsia2 Scoresheets
Global Scoresheets
Fossil Scoresheets


Neogene Fossil Sites


Below are links to scoresheets for assemblages that have been dated as Neogene. See the individual scoresheets for additional details such as the scorer. See the individual scoresheets for additional details such as the scorer. The Reference/Source column indicates publications and/or museum collections that form the basis of the scores. The latitudes and longitudes are derived from data provided by the Berkeley UCMP collections database. The Assumed Age is the age used to determine the Palaeolatitude (PLat) using PointTracker 4.5 software supplied by Chris Scotese.


  Locality Name   Latitude Longitude Reported Age Assumed Age PLat
(Decimal ° (Decimal °) (Ma) (Ma) (°N)
  49 Camp NV   40.66 -119.66 15.5-16 15.75 41.4
  Aldrich Station NV   38.54 -118.43 12.4-13.3 12.85 39.2
  Anaverde CA 34.32 -118.23 Miocene 10 33.5
  Blue Mtns OR   44.49 -119.01 Ng (Miocene) 10 44.37
  Buffalo Canyon NV   39.58 -118.34 15.6 15.6 40.4
  Burlington Ridge CA   39.3 -120.77 Ng (Miocene) 15 39.16
  Chloropagus NV   39.58 -118.34 14.3 14.3 40.3
  Clarkia ID   47.01 -116.25 Ng (Miocene) 15 47.77
  Eagle Creek OR   45.54 -122.42 Ng (Miocene) 15 45.38
  Eastgate NV   39.58 -118.34 15.5 15.5 40.4
  Fallon NV   39.58 -118.34 ~14 14 40.3
  Faraday OR   45.19 -122.22 Ng (Miocene)  10 45.06
  Fingerrock NV   38.54 -118.43 15.5 15.5 39.3
  Goldyke NV   38.54 -118.43 15.5 15.5 39.3
  Hidden Lake OR   43.94 -122.85 11.7±0.1 11.7 43.8
  Lower Gillam Springs NV   40.66 -119.66 Miocene   10 41.18
  Mascall OR   44.49 -119.01 Ng (Miocene) 10 44.39
  Mid Ellensburg WA   47.12 -120.68 Ng (Miocene) 10 47
  Middlegate NV   39.58 -118.34 15.5 15.5 40.35
  Mohawk CA   40 -120.84 ~14-18 16 40.8
  Mollala OR   45.15 -122.58 13.1 13.1 45.02
  Neroly CA   37.93 -121.27 10.5-11 10.75 37.8
  Pyramid Lake WA   48.69 -121.12 15.6 15.6 49.5
  Remington Hill CA   39.3 -120.77 Ng (Miocene) 10 39.19
  Sonoma CA   38.29 -122.46 Ng (Pliocene) 5 38.22
  Stewart Spring NV   38.54 -118.43 14.5 - 15 ? 14.75 39.3
  Stinking Water OR   43.64 -118.44 Ng (Miocene) 10 44.14
  Table Mtn CA   38.03 -119.95 10.5 10.5 37.92
  Tehachapi CA   35.34 -118.73 Ng (Miocene) 10 35.24
  Temblor CA   36.76 -119.65 15-15.5 15.25 36.63
  Trapper Creek ID   42.36 -113.57 Ng (Miocene) 10 42.84
  Trout Creek OR   43.93 -118.94 Ng (Miocene) 10 43.83
  Troutdale OR   45.54 -122.39 Ng (Miocene) 10 45.41
  Turlock Lake CA   37.61 -120.58 Ng (early Plioc.)  5 37.55
  Upper Gillam Springs NV   40.66 -119.66 Ng (Miocene) 10 41.18
  Weaverville CA   40.65 -123.11 ~14-18 16 41.45
  Webber Lake CA   39.58 -120.52 ~14-18 16 40.4


Paleogene Sites


Below are links to scoresheets for assemblages that have been dated as Paleogene. The Reference/Source column indicates publications and/or museum collections that form the basis of the scores. The latitudes and longitudes are derived from data provided by the Berkeley UCMP collections database. The Assumed Age is the age used to determine the Palaeolatitude (PLat) using PointTracker 4.5 software supplied by Chris Scotese.


  Locality Name   Latitude Longitude Reported Age Assumed Age PLat
(Decimal °) (Decimal °) (Ma) (Ma) (°N)
  Bilyeu Creek OR   44.89 -122.53 Pg (Oligocene) 25 44.58
  Boot Hill WA (Republic)   48.47 -118.52 Pg 48-50 49 53
  Chalk Bluffs CA   39.3 -120.77 Pg (Eocene) 45 41.4
  Chua Chua BC   49.52 -121.64 Pg 48-50 49 54.11
  Comstock OR   43.28 -123.16 Pg ~34-35 34.5 43.3
  Copper Basin NV   41.15 -115.36 39.41±0.07 39.41 43.7
  Creede CO   37.85 -106.93 27.2 27.2 38.84
  Goshen OR   43.94 -122.85 Pg ~33-24 30 43.5
  Grays ranch OR   44.14 -120.36 Pg (Late Olig.)  25 43.85
  Green River CO/UT   38.99 -110.16 ~45 45 42.37
  John Day Gulch (Clarno)   44.73 -120.03 Pg 33? 33 44.4
  Kissinger Lakes WY   42.97 -106.47 ~50 50 47.03
  Knob Hill WA (Republic)   48.47 -118.52 Pg 48-50 49 53.8
  LaPorte CA   40 -120.84 Pg 33.2 33.2 41.8
  Lyons OR   44.49 -122.53 Pg( Oligocene) 30 44.04
  Mitchell OR (Clarno)   44.14 -120.36 Pg (Eocene) 45 42.5
  One Mile Creek BC   49.58 -120.51 Pg 48-50 49 54.05
  Puget 9676 WA   47.49 -121.8 Pg 48-50 49 50.97
  Puget 9678 WA 47.49 -121.8 Pg 43-46 44.5 49.6
  Puget 9680 WA   47.49 -121.8 Pg 39-42 40.5 48.38
  Puget 9694 WA   47.49 -121.8 Pg 43-46 44.5 49.6
  Puget 9731 WA   47.49 -121.8 Pg 43-46 44.5 49.6
  Puget 9833 WA   47.49 -121.8 Pg 43-46 44.5 49.6
  Puget 9841 WA   47.49 -121.8 Pg 48-50 49 50.97
  Republic WA   48.47 -118.52 Pg 48-50 49 53.8
  Sandstone Creek OR   44.94 -113.93 <41 Ma Olig. 30 46.19
  Susanville CA   40.67 -120.59 Pg (Eocene) 45 43.9
  Willamette OR   43.94 -122.85 Pg (Olig.) 25 43.65


Cretaceous Fossil Sites


Below are links to scoresheets for assemblages that have been dated as Cretaceous. The Reference/Source column indicates publications and/or museum collections that form the basis of the scores. The Assumed Age is the age used to determine the Palaeolatitude (PLat) using PointTracker 4.5 software supplied by Chris Scotese.


  Locality Name Latitude Longitude Reported Age Assumed Age PLat
(Decimal °) (Decimal °) (Ma) (Ma) (°N)
  Arman River Russia 60.3 150.4 88 Ma 88 Ma 68.3
  Chuchle Czech Republic 50.34 13.95 95 Ma 95 Ma 40.5
  Columbus KY
  Cooper Pit A 32.77 -86.55 36
  Czechsen Czech Republic 50.34 13.95 85 Ma 85 Ma 40.5
  Gayhead 41.3 -70.8 84 Ma 84 Ma 39
  Glencove 40.8 -73.6
  Goff Pit NJ
  Grebenka Russia 64.4 168.9 98.6 Ma 98.6 Ma 80.7
  Kamchatka Penslina Russia 55.4 158.6 90 Ma 90 Ma 72.4
  Kamchatkta Kaysayam Russia 55.4 158.6 88 Ma 88 Ma 72.4
  Kazakhstan Teretky-Sai Russia 46.6 68.9 95 Ma 95 Ma 42
  Lance 42.26 -104.94 70 Ma 70 Ma 49
  Medicine Bow 41.4 -106.2 70 Ma 70 Ma 48
  N Slope Coniacian AK 69.5 -153.8 88 Ma 88 Ma 79.5
  Novaya Sibir Russia Turonian 90 Ma
  Orapa South Africa -21.31 25.37 88 Ma 88 Ma 25.4
  Peruc Czech Republic 50.34 13.95 95 Ma 95 Ma 40.5
  Ripley, Mi 34.7 -88.9 70 Ma 70 Ma 38
  Tuscaloosa 33.2 -87.5 95 Ma 95 Ma
  Tylpergergenai Russia 66.5 176.2 88 Ma 88 Ma 79
  Vilui "A" Russia 64.3 121.3 95 Ma 95 Ma 67.7
  Vilui "B" Russia 64.3 121.3 95 Ma 95 Ma 67.7
  Vyshehoroviche Czech Republic 50.34 13.95 95 Ma 95 Ma 40.5
  Woodbine 33.6 -97 95 Ma 95 Ma
  Yukon-Koyukuk Russia 64.74 -155.5 90 Ma 90 Ma 72.5