USGS11613.2 Indet. HAPLTL148


USNM 406788



Locality Map 

USGS 11613

Lat. 60° 33' 32"N  Long. 165° 24' 16"W
Nunivak Island (C-1) Quad.


Leaf:  simple; asymmetrical; very wide ovate; apex obtuse; base rounded (?); margin dentate except at the base where it is entire, teeth with acute apices, concave sides and rounded sinuses, irregular in size and spacing; venation imperfect marginal suprabasal actinodromous; primary midvein moderate, straight near the base becoming sinuous or zigzag in the apical half of the lamina; pectinal veins moderate arising at an angle of 50-55° more or less straight or slightly curved, may be forked near the margin; moderate pectinal abmedials arising at angles of 30-40°, more or less straight apparently lacking branches; superior secondary veins arising from the primary midvein at an angle of 35-45°, more or less straight, sometimes curved and sometimes branched near the margin; tertiary veins percurrent, straight or slightly convex, joining ad- and abmedial sides of the secondary veins at approximately 90°; fourth order veins not visible.


The venation at the base of specimen USGS 11613.2 is not well preserved and may be critical for a precise identification but somewhat similar is 'Vitis' venusta (Hollick, 1930, p. 104; Plate 80, Fig. 4) from the Kaltag Formation (equivalent to the Melozi Formation of Hollick, 1930) locality yielding 'Tilia' cretacea.