MFGS 62 Araliaephyllum pekulneense Philippova  





Pekul'nei Ridge Eastern Slope



Simple (weakly pinnate appearance); palinactinodromous; lobed; elliptic or ovate; apices round or acute; bases round or cordate; teeth close, regular, round, acute or compound; midvein straight, sinuous or slightly curved; pectinal veins weaker than midvein, similar strength to superior secondaries; a-pectinals diverge from midvein at 30° to 55°, straight or slightly curved, some recurving slightly near margin, terminating in tooth at end of lobe, some forking abmedially or admedially towards margin; a-pectinal abmedials/admedials curved, some recurved near margin, some forking abmedially; b-pectinals diverge from a-pectinals at 35° to 45°, curved, some recurving slightly near margin; superior secondaries diverge from midvein at 35° to 40° angles decreasing slightly apically, curved, some recurving near margin; sinuses between lobes rounded; tertiary veins indistinct.



Leaf mat. This taxon has been referred to Cissites pekulneensis (Philippova) Moiseeva in Moiseeva (2005).