USGS11475.19 cf. Pityophyllum sp. U186


USNM 406853

Image of USGS11475_19



Locality Map

Plant fossils were collected from a limey iron-rich indurated layer within a gray clay on the east bank of the tributary of the Jago River.  This locality is equivalent to Detterman 300P.


Leaves:  width 2 mm, length up to 80 mm, ends rounded, a dark line approximately 0.5 mm wide runs centrally along the length of these specimens, usually straight or very slightly curved.


These remains were apparently rigid and fairly fleshy in life.  The specimen in the centre of the figure is bent angularly.  Hollick (1930; Plate 20, Fig. 10) reported similar fossils, from the Lower Yukon River localities, which he tentatively assigned to Pinus?(Tournefort) Linnaeus. The specimens from locality 11475 possess no additional detail than those of Hollick and their true identity remains uncertain.