USGS11488.1b Corylites beringianus (Kryshtofovich) Golovneva DIPE167


USNM 406813

See also: USGS 11481.5 (USNM 406814), and USGS 11474.1 (USNM 406815)

Image of USGS11588.1



Locality Map

Sagwon section along the west side of the Sagavanirktok River. Stratigraphically more or less equivalent to locality 11480, plant remains occurred in abundance in blocks of iron-cemented calcareous fine-grained sandstone weathering out approximately half way up the bluffs.



Leaf:  simple; symmetrical; wide ovate; apex acute with a rounded tip; base lobate, the lobes tending to overlap below the junction of the petiole and lamina; margin crenate, teeth with rounded microscopically retuse apices and angular sinuses, glands in tooth apex often in sinus, tooth size variable but rarely more than 2 mm wide, margin apparently entire very close to the petiole; venation basal, imperfect marginal actinodromous; primary midvein more or less straight, moderate; a-pectinals departing base of midvein at 50° curved, semicraspedodromous, a-abmedials departing at 55-70°, angle increasing near margin, curved, brochidodromous and craspedodromous; b-pectinal veins arising from base at midvein at an angle of 120°, moderate, uniformly curved, curvature may become abrupt at the point of departure of the b-abmedials, b-abmedials arising at an angle of 70-75°, curved, branched, degree of curvature increasing near the margin (particularly in those veins originating close to the petiole) to form loops joining a branch of the superadjacent abmedial at approximately 90o, those abmedials originating from the b-pectinals nearer the margin have less well-devoloped loops partly composed of third order veins, the more basal abmedials branch abmedially to give off third order semicraspedodromous veins at angles of 55-65°; superior secondary veins arising from the primary midvein at angles of approximately 55°, moderate curved, often repeatedly branching abmedially, branches curved, craspedodromous or semicraspedodromous; tertiary veins percurrent, usually convex, sometimes straight, sinuous or even concave near the margins, often forked, arranged concentrically to the junction of the petiole with the lamina, forming various angles with both ad- and abmedial sides of secondaries with a mean of 90°; fourth order veins percurrent, sinuous or more or less straight, often forked, sometimes forming an orthogonal reticulum; fifth order veins predominantly orthogonal, areolation imperfect, randomly arranged, predominantly quadrangular of medium size and often surrounding once branched veinlets.


This beautifully complete specimen is without doubt referable to Corylites beringianus (Kryshtofovich) Golovneva. The counterpart is USGS11488.1a.