USGS11614.24 Indet. U179


Specimen on the right in the image

USNM 406846

Image of USGS11617.3



Locality Map

Nelson Island, Collected by Union Oil.  Matrix is a poorly bedded yellow-gray micaceous siltstone.


Leaf:  simple; symmetrical; ovate; apex acute; base obtuse; petiole normal; margin entire, venation suprabasal, perfect acrodromous; midvein moderate more or less straight; pectinal veins moderate, arising at an angle of approximately 45°, more or less uniformly curved; abmedial veins weak arising approximately at right angles with respect to the midvein forming loops near the margin and joining the superadjacent abmedial usually at an acute angle; higher order marginal loops present; tertiary veins between the midvein and pectinals, the same strength as the abmedials; percurrent, more or less straight or sinuous, perpendicular to the midvein, occasionally branched and the branches coalescing to form an intermittent vein parallel to the primaries.


The secondary and tertiary veins of this leaf are very difficult to differentiate on the basis of strength, and the classification adopted here is based on course in comparison with other venation patterns.

This specimen shows some similarities to the modern genus Paliurus (Tournefort) Jussieu; for example 'Paliurus' visibilis Hollick (1930, p. 102; Plate 79, Fig. 4).  A similar but poorly preserved leaf is also figured by Bell (1957; Plate 55, Fig. 2) under the name 'Zizyphus' cretaceous (Dawson) Bell which he considers is synonymous with 'Paliurus' neillii Dawson (1894, p. 62; Plate 11, Fig. 45 not Fig. 44).