USGS11475.18 Indet. HAPLU159


USNM 406800



Locality Map


69.716°  -143.408°

Demarcation Point

Plant fossils were collected from a iron-rich (sideritic) indurated layer within a gray clay on the east bank of the tributary of the Jago River.  This locality is equivalent to Detterman 300P.


Leaf:  simple (?); symmetrical (?); ovate; apex acuminate to obtuse; base missing; margin coarsely dentate, teeth 3 mm long, apparently simple, uniform in shape and spacing, teeth apices acute to acuminate, sinuses obtuse to acute, sides convex, venation pinnate craspedodromous; midvein straight, possibly curving to one side near the apex, moderate; secondaries greater than 10 pairs, slightly curved, moderate, departing midvein at angles of 45-60°, sometimes branched near the margin, tertiary veins percurrent, sinuous to convex, usually forked, forming acute to right angles with the abmedial sides of the secondary veins and obtuse to right angles with the admedial sides; fourth order veins tending to be percurrent, orthogonal, sinuous sometimes forked.


These leaves may represent the same form as specimen USGS 11475.12 (form HAPL(TL)158) and are differentiated here merely on the basis of their better preserved margins and the apparently slightly better organized percurrent tertiary venation.  Without the basal portions of these specimens it is difficult to make proper determinations but they undoubtedly represent leaves similar to the Fagales.