69.382° Long. -148.725°
Sagavanirktok (B-3) Quad.
Sagwon section. Alternating beds up to 1.5 m thick of coal and gray shale containing clay ironstone concretions are exposed in a gully on the west side of the Sagavanirktok River. Plant megafossils were confined to the concretions which weathered to a rusty brown. These beds are probably laterally equivalent to those of localities 11479 and 11480.
Leaf or leaflet: simple (?); symmetrical; ovate; apex acute; base missing (rounded?); margin finely serrate, teeth small (< 1 mm) with an acute apex and angular acute to rounded sinuses; venation pinnate with craspedodromous secondaries; primary midvein moderate, straight; secondaries moderate, uniformly gently curved, arising at angles of 35-50°, 7-8 pairs, opposite to subopposite, branching abmedially near the margins to give off outer veins of the marginal teeth; tertiary veins transverse, percurrent, often simple, sometimes forked; straight or concave, often joining both sides of secondary veins at right angles but sometimes forming an obtuse angle with the abmedial side and an acute angle with the admedial side; fourth order veins indistinct.
In Spicer (1983) this small leaf or leaflet was thought to compare well with 'Juglans'? pseudopunctata Hollick (1936, p. 82-83; Plate 104, Figs. 2-5) and in particular the specimen illustrated in his Fig. 3. Wolfe (1966) subsequently transferred this figured specimen to Planera microphylla which occurs in the Chickaloon Formation. With the larger number of specimens now available through subsequent collecting this specimen is more likely to be a small leaf of Corylites beringianus (Kryshtofovich) Golovneva.