60.610° -164.825
Baird Inlet (C-8) Quad. Nelson Island.
Matrix is a poorly bedded yellow-gray micaceous siltstone.
Leaf: simple; symmetrical; suborbiculate, rhombic; apex acute with a rounded tip; base decurrent; margin entire at base, entire at the apex, possibly coarsely crenate between; crenations with rounded apices and angular obtuse sinuses; venation pinnate, craspedodromous (?); midvein moderate to stout, straight; secondary veins decurrent on the midvein and forming an angle of 30-35° with the midvein, straight or nearly so; tertiary veins indistinct.
This possibly represents an immature leaf. The preservation is poor and the venation details obscure. It could perhaps be included in the hamamelid-like forms.