USGS 11612
Lat. 60° 01' 46"N Long. 165° 18' 26"W
Nunivak Island (C-1) Quad.
Leaf: palmately compound consisting of five leaflets; leaflets symmetrical, elliptic; apex unknown; base acute; margin entire; venation pinnate camptodromous; primary vein moderate, straight; secondary veins arising at an acute angle 35-65° becoming greater towards the apex, uniformly curved for most of their length before becoming more abruptly curved near the margin and joining the superadjacent secondary at angles ranging from acute to obtuse; tertiary veins indistinct but simple or branched once, percurrent, straight, joining the admedial sides of the secondaries at an acute angle and the abmedial sides at an obtuse angle forming a more or less constant angle to the midvein of approximately 100°.
These palmately compound leaves are most commonly found in Northeastern Russia.
Entire margined palmately compound leaves are found in the Ranunculidae (Lardizabalaceae) and the palmate Dilleniidae (Malvales, Passifloras, and Euphorbiales). Of these the Malvales is the most likely group for these specimens to be allied. Although glandular teeth are usual within the group, many species have entire margins and brochidodromous secondaries. Transverse tertiaries arranged concentrically to the petiole are also common. Brochidodromous secondary veins are unknown in the Lardizabalaceae. If found in isolation the leaflets might be grouped with the magnoliid forms.