USGS11614.48 Indet. HAPLU130


USNM 406767



Locality Map


Lat. 60° 36' 36"N  Long. 164° 49' 18"W

Baird Inlet (C-8) Quad. Nelson Island.


Leaf:  simple (?); symmetrical (?); apex missing; base missing; margin toothed with small (< 1 mm) teeth with obtuse glandular apices and wide shallow rounded sinuses, towards the base the margin becomes entire; venation unknown but probably actinodromous; nature of primary midvein and the relationship to the a-pectinals unknown; basal b-pectinal arising from a-pectinal at an angle of 35-40o, curved near the base becoming recurved near the margin, b-abmedials slightly curved or sinuous arising at angles of 40-50°, festooned brochidodromous near the basal margin; tertiary veins often branched, percurrent, convex forming a right-angle junction with the pectinal abmedials near the pectinal, this angle becoming more acute nearer the margin until forming an admedial branch of the abmedials; fourth order veins orthogonal reticulate.


The fragment of large leaf probably represents the basal portion of a lobed 'platanoid' hamamelid similar to those described by Lesquereux (1892) from the Dakota Group as 'Platanus', 'Aralia', Araliopsis or 'Sassafras'.  In describing it we have assumed that the most prominent veins on the specimens represent a small portion of the a-pectinal and a longer section of a b-pectinal.