USGS11475.6 Indet. HAPL(TL)158


USNM 406798



Locality Map


69.716°  -143.408°

Demarcation Point

Plant fossils were collected from a iron-rich (sideritic) indurated layer within a gray clay on the east bank of the tributary of the Jago River.  This locality is equivalent to Detterman 300P.


Leaf:  simple; asymmetrical (?); ovate; apex obtuse; base cordate (?) asymmetric; margin serrate with two orders of teeth with obtuse apices, obtuse angular sinuses and convex sides; midvein moderate, straight or curved to one side; secondaries moderate, straight or curved, sometimes branching, craspedodromous, departing the midvein at angles of 45-50°, greater than 10 pairs; tertiary veins transverse, forked, joining admedial side of secondary veins at obtuse or right angles, moderate; fourth order veins percurrent, straight or sinuous, orthogonal.


These two specimens are regarded as being the same mainly on the basis of their secondary and tertiry venation.  The margins are not well preserved in specimen USGS 11475.12 which may yet prove to be the same form as specimen USGS 11475.18 (form HAPLU159).  They all bear similarities to members of the Fagales and appear to be close to 'Alnus' Gaertner.