Yukon-Koyukuk Basin Locality 11549
Leaf: simple; symmetrical; very wide ovate (?); apex missing; base peltate; margin dentate; teeth somewhat irregular in size and shape, apices acute to obtuse, concave sides, shallow rounded sinuses; venation suprabasal (?) actinodromous; primary midvein moderate, straight; pectinal veins slightly weaker than midvein, straight or nearly so, departing midvein at 30-35°; abmedial veins weak to moderate, straight, departing pectinal at 40-45°, craspedodromous, branched abmedially or forked near margin, branches may also branch abmedially, basal abmedials weak; tertiary venation percurrent, weak to moderate, convex, simple or branched.
This poorly preserved leaf bears a very strong resemblance to 'Platanus' valida (Hollick, 1930; Plate 75, Fig. 2, p. 84). Precise identification is not possible because both leaves are incomplete, but both have a very wide basal half of the lamina and as far as can be determined the venation is the same.