USGS 11598.3


USNM Number


The specimen is on the right of the image.



Chignik Area

Latitude: 56.271111° N

Longitude: -158.675278° W

Locality Map




Leaf: simple; symmetrical (?); elliptical; apex missing; base missing; margin irregularly serrate, teeth with glandular obtuse apices, rounded sinuses; venation pinnate semicraspedodromous; midvein moderate, straight; secondaries opposite, straight or nearly so, often decurrent to the midvein, forming an angle of 45° to the midvein, at least five pairs; tertiaries transverse, straight to convex, weak, joining both ad- and abmedial sides of secondaries at angles of approximately 90°; fourth order veins forming an orthogonal reticulum.



These is one of two leaves that apparently represent the same form.  Specimen USGS 11500.1 is better preserved than this one and details of the venation of USGS 11500.1 are shown using the link in the panel above right.  The pinnate semicraspedodromous secondary venation, the transverse tertiaries and the possibly Rosiod tooth type all suggest an architectural relationship to members of the Rosidae.