USNM 37443 Glyptostrobus specialis Hollick  


Hollick (1930)

Pl. 24 Fig. 3




From Hollick (1930) (p. 61)

"Yukon River, north bank, about 7 miles below Blatchford's mine (original No. 3AH20); collected by Arthur Hollick and Sidney Paige in 1903 (lot 3259) (pl. 24, fig. 3). Yukon River, north bank, about 10 miles below Blatchford's mine (original No. 3AH23); collected by Arthur Hollick and Sidney Paige in 1903 (lot 3262) (pl. 24, figs. 4-6)."


Locality Map



From Hollick (1930) (p. 61)

"Plate 24, Figures 3-6"

"Slender, leafy, heterophyllous twigs; leaves linear, linear lanceolate, and aciculate, acute at both ends."



From Hollick (1930) (p. 61)

"Certain of these specimens, such as the one represented by our Figure 3, closely resemble the long-leaved forms of Glyptostfobus wngeri Heer; a but in none of our specimens is there any indication of the scalelike leaves that are a characteristic feature of this and other allied species."