USNM 37556 Platanus septentrionalis Hollick  


Hollick (1930)

Pl. 48 Fig. 2



From Hollick (1930) (p. 84)

"Yukon River, north bank, about 3 miles above Pickart's mine (original No. 3AH18); collected by Arthur Hollick and Sidney Paige in 1903 (lot 3253)."


Locality Map



From Hollick (1930) (p. 84)

"Plate 47, Figures 1, 2; Plate 48, Figures 2-4; Plate 49, Figure 1"

"Leaves variable in size, trilobate; base broad, abruptly constricted close to and decurrent for a short distance on the petiole; margin coarsely dentate above, finely dentate in the lower part; nervation tripalmate: craspedodrome; secondary nerves irregularly disposed, mostly alternate, six on each side, leaving the midrib at various angles of divergence; lateral primaries suprabasilar, spreading, branched on the under sides, each lowest branch similarly branched from the under side."



From Hollick (1930) (p. 84)

"These leaves apparently represent a new species of Platanus which has its nearest analogue in P. shirleyensis Berry (1919) (p. 83, pl. 15, figs. 1 - 5) from the Tuscaloosa formation of Alabama; but unfortunately, in connection with neither species are perfect specimens figured, and satisfactory comparison is impossible."