USNM 37558 Platanus? newberryana conditionalis Hollick  


Hollick (1930)

Pl. 48 Fig. 1

Part/Counterpart to

Pl. 47 Fig. 4




From Hollick (1930) (p. 83)

"Koyukuk River, west bank, about 39 miles above its mouth (original No. 333); collected by F. C. Schrader in 1899 (lot 7472) (pl. 46, fig. 4). Yukon River, north bank, about 12 miles below Melozi telegraph station (original No. 20); collected by W. W. Atwood and H. M. Eakin in 1907 (lot 4634) (pl. 47, fig. 4; pl. 48, fig. 1)."


Locality Map



From Hollick (1930) (p. 83)

"Plate 46, Figure 4; Plate 47, Figure 4; Plate 48, Figure 1"

"These leaves are similar to the lobed forms of Platanus? newberryana Heer as depicted by Lesquereux (1874) (pl. 8, fig. 3) from the Dakota sandstone of Nebraska and by Heer (1883) (pl. 59, figs. 1, 3) from the Patoot beds of Greenland, except that in our specimens the dentition is conspicuously coarser. The particular figure that resembles ours most nearly in this feature is Heer's Figure 3, but in regard to this one he remarks (Heer 1883) (p. 29) that it 'belongs perhaps to another species.'"



From Hollick (1930) (p. 83)

"In view of the variety of leaf forms that have been included in the species, and the fragmentary nature of our specimens, it has seemed advisable to give them varietal rank pending the time when better specimens may be available for comparison."