USNM 37406 Tumion gracillimum Hollick  


Hollick (1930)

Pl. 18 Fig. 8




From Hollick (1930) (p. 55)

"Yukon River, north bank, about 5 miles above Louden station [Nahochatilton] (original No.
22); collected by W. W. Atwood and H. M. Eakin in 1907 (lot 4635) (pl. 10, fig. 3b; pl.18, fig. 11). Yukon River, north bank, about 12 miles below Melozi telegraph station (original No: 3AH11); collected by Arthur Hollick and Sidney Paige in 1903 (lot 3248) (pl. 17. fig. 6). Yukon River, north bank, about 10 miles below Blatchford's mine (original No. 3AH23); collected by Arthur Hollick and Sidney Paige in 1903 (lot 3262) (pl. 18. figs. 1-5). Yukon River, north bank, about 6 miles above Nahochatilton (original No. 3AH16); collected by Arthur Hollick and Sidney Paige in 1903 (lot 3252) (pl. 18, fig. 6). Yukon River, north bank, about 7 miles below Blatchford's mine (original No. 3AH20); collected by'Arthur Hollick and Sidney Paige in 1903 (lot 3259) (pl. 18. fig. 7). Yukon River, north bank, at Fossil Bluff, about 6 miles above Nahochatilton (original No. 2AC238); collected by A. J. Collier and Sidney Paige in 1902 (lot 2962) (pl. 18. fig. 8). Yukon River, northpank, about 10 miles above Nulato (origina No. 2AC249); collected by A. J. Collier and Sidney Paige in 1902 (lot 2964) (pl. 18. fig. 9). Yukon River, north bank, about 10 miles below Melozi telegraph station (original No. 18); collected by W. W. Atwood and H. M. Eakin in 1907 (lot 4633) (pl. 18. fig. 10)."


Locality Map



From Hollick (1930) (p. 55)

"Plate 10, Figure 3b; Plate 17, Figure 6; Plate 18, Figures 1-11; Plate 28, Figure 3"

"Remains consisting of leafy twigs and branchlets; leaves narrowly linear-lanceolate, averaging about 2 centimeters in length by about 1 millimeter in maximum width, tapering to an aciculate apex and abruptly rounded to a curved cuneate base with a ' short ' petiole of footstalk, alternately arranged, normally rigid and subtending acute angles with the supporting rachis."



From Hollick (1930) (p. 55)

"It is with some hesitation that this species is referred to the genus Tumion in preference to Cephalotaxopsis, and it is difficult to differentiate certain of the specimens, such as the one represented by Figure 6 on Plate 17, from Cephalotaxopsis intermedia as shown in Figure 3 on the same plate. The leaves of the latter, however, are somewhat wider, are less rigid, and normally subtend more obtuse angles with the rachis.

The general aspect of our specimens, also, is so strikingly like that of Torreya virginica Fontaine (1898) (p. 234, pl. 109, figs. 8, 8a) from the Potomac group of Virginia, that their mutual generic identity appears to be obvious, although in our leaves only a single line, apparently representing the midrib, can be discerned, instead of the two lines that represent the characteristic stomatal bands in Fontaine's figure.

Superficially our specimens might easily be mistaken for Taxodium augustifolium Heer (1868) (p. 156, pl. 30, fig. 1) from the Tertiary of Iceland, but the leaves of this species have obtuse apices, whereas those of ours are conspicuously aciculate."