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That a relationship exists between vegetation and climate has long been recognized and is easy to see. Anyone who has travelled extensively is aware that the overall appearance of vegetation (i.e. its physiognomy), but not necessarily its species composition, is characteristic of the particular climatic regime in which the vegetation grows. Vegetation can therefore be classified physiognomically, and climatic signals can be derived from it, independent of taxonomy (e.g. Holdridge, 1947). | ||||||||||
This is because many plant morphologies represent particular 'engineering solutions' to particular environmental constraints. Only those plants with a genome that produces appropriate kinds of leaves are able to survive in particular climatic regimes. Plants with Inappropriate leaf forms fail to survive, either through direct environmental elimination (the physical environment takes its toll directly), or by competition from better suited plants. Although all parts of a plant throughout all stages of the life cycle contribute to the overall success or failure of the individual, the organ that plays the most critical role in environmental adaptation is the leaf. The photosynthetic function of a leaf demands that it is efficient at intercepting light and exchanging gases with the atmosphere, while minimising water loss concomitant with maintaining water flow within the plant and evaporative cooling of the leaf surface. All this must be achieved with the minimum of structural tissue investment because building leaf tissue costs energy and food resources. This means that are only a limited range of 'engineering solutions' that can satisfy, approximately, the often conflicting constraints that exist in a given set of environmental conditions. Because the unchanging laws of gas diffusion, fluid flow, and mechanics impose these constraints, these solutions are time stable and independent of taxonomic affinity (Spicer, 1999). So pervasive is the premium on selecting for leaf efficiency that leaf physiognomic 'tuning' to the environment can be seen to vary not only across plant lineages, and between individual plants within lineages (ecophenotypes), but also within individual plants in time and space. For example, leaves at the top of a tree crown are exposed to high light levels and wind energies and tend to be small, thick, sun leaves. In contrast, those in the darker, more sheltered, humid subcanopy space tend to be larger and thinner (shade leaves). If the environment around a tree changes with time, for example through removal of surrounding trees, then subsequent cohorts of leaves will display different appropriate morphologies. The capacity for this leaf morphological plasticity must be genetically coded, but how independent of genetic predetermination are character states that might have some correlation with climate? At first thought, leaf size, because of its variability on even a single individual plant, or variability during different growth stages of the plant, might be thought to be subject to minimal genetic predetermination, but this cannot be valid. Plants must produce leaves that are adaptive to the entire growing season, and this production must, therefore, be genetically predetermined. Plants in the Mediterranean region, California and Chile, for example receive abundant rainfall during the spring when the new leaf crop is produced, followed by extreme summer drought. If the plants responded only to the spring rains and produced large leaves these leaves would be non-adaptive during the summertime. Clearly selection favours genotypes that are tuned to the overall climatic conditions and not just those experienced by the plant at leaf development. Vegetation in recently glaciated and non-glaciated parts of the Northern Hemisphere also demonstrates a good correlation with climate. This shows that genetic, and phenotypic, tuning of foliar physiognomy takes place over geologically short timescales (< 1 million years) as a result of taxonomic elimination and migration as well as selection for novel genotypes that arise as the result of chance mutation or hybridization. Leaf form and phenotypic variation involves a complex interplay between the genome and developmental programmes. Often single genes can influence the forms of several characters (Pigliucci, 2003) and there is inherent flexibility in leaf developmental programmes (Falconer & Mackay, 1996; Juenger et al., 2005; Rodriguez et al., 2014). Unsurprisingly then, in terms of the CLAMP character set and scoring protocols, almost all characters are correlated either positively or negatively as shown in the diagram below. Changes in one character have to result in changes to other characters otherwise 'tuning' to the environment will be compromised. By examining many characters simultaneously, as is done in CLAMP, errors in palaeoclimate retrodiction that might arise from single character change are reduced.