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Calibrations - Climate Variable Definitions

Climate data
Southern H.
Climate Variable Definitions

Acronym Name Units Description
MAT Dry Bulb Mean Annual Temperature °C Average temperature throughout the year as measured using a dry bulb thermometer ~ 2m above the ground.
MAT_Tw Wet Bulb Mean Annual Temperature °C Average temperature throughout the year as measured using a wet bulb thermometer ~ 2m above the ground.
WMMT Warm Month mean Temperature °C Average temperature during the warmest month
CMMT Cold Month Mean Temperature °C Average temperature during the coldest month
LGS Length of the Growing Season months Length of time when the temperature is ≥ 10°C
GSP Growing Season Precipitation cm Total amount of precipitation (rain and snow converted to water) falling during the growing season
MMGSP Mean Monthly Growing Season Precipitation cm Average precipitation per month during the growing season
3-WET Precipitation during the wet season cm Total precipitation falling during the three consecutive wettest months
3-DRY Precipitation during the dry season cm Total percipitation falling during the three consecutive driest months
RH_ann Relative Humidity % Average annual relative humidity
SH_ann Specific Humidity g/kg Average annual specific humidity
ENTH Enthalpy kJ/kg Average annual moist enthalpy
VPD_ann Annual Vapour Pressure Deficit hPa Average annual vapour pressure deficit
VPD_sum Summer Vapour Pressure Deficit hPa Average vapour pressure deficit during the three summer months
VPD_win Winter Vapour Pressure Deficit hPa Average vapour pressure deficit during the three winter months
VPD_spr Spring Vapour Pressure Deficit hPa Average vapour pressure deficit during the three spring months
VPD_aut Autumn Vapour Pressure Deficit hPa Average vapour pressure deficit during the three autumn months
Thermic Thermicity °C Compensated thermicity index: sum of mean annual temp., min. temp. of coldest month, max. temp. of the coldest month, x 10, with compensations for better global comparability
GDD5 Growing Degree Days 5 Integer Sum of mean monthly temperature for months with mean temperature greater than 5°C multiplied by number of days
PET_wrm Potential Evapotranspiration during the warmest quarter mm Mean monthly PET of warmest quarter
PET_cld Potential Evapotranspiration during the coldest quarter mm Mean monthly PET of coldest quarter
MinT_W Minimum Temperature of the warmest month °C Minimum temperature of the warmest month
MaxT_C Maximum Temperature of the coldest month °C Maximum temperature of the coldest month
PET_ann_div10 Annual Potential Evapotranspiration divided by 10 mm Annual potential evapotranspiration divided by 10: a measure of the total annual ability of the atmosphere to remove water through evapotranspiration processes, given unlimited moisture