Acronym |
Name |
Units |
Description |
Dry Bulb Mean Annual Temperature |
°C |
Average temperature throughout the year as measured using a dry bulb thermometer ~ 2m above the ground. |
MAT_Tw |
Wet Bulb Mean Annual Temperature |
°C |
Average temperature throughout the year as measured using a wet bulb thermometer ~ 2m above the ground. |
Warm Month mean Temperature |
°C |
Average temperature during the warmest month |
Cold Month Mean Temperature |
°C |
Average temperature during the coldest month |
Length of the Growing Season |
months |
Length of time when the temperature is ≥ 10°C |
Growing Season Precipitation |
cm |
Total amount of precipitation (rain and snow converted to water) falling during the growing season |
Mean Monthly Growing Season Precipitation |
cm |
Average precipitation per month during the growing season |
3-WET |
Precipitation during the wet season |
cm |
Total precipitation falling during the three consecutive wettest months |
3-DRY |
Precipitation during the dry season |
cm |
Total percipitation falling during the three consecutive driest months |
RH_ann |
Relative Humidity |
% |
Average annual relative humidity |
SH_ann |
Specific Humidity |
g/kg |
Average annual specific humidity |
Enthalpy |
kJ/kg |
Average annual moist enthalpy |
VPD_ann |
Annual Vapour Pressure Deficit |
hPa |
Average annual vapour pressure deficit |
VPD_sum |
Summer Vapour Pressure Deficit |
hPa |
Average vapour pressure deficit during the three summer months |
VPD_win |
Winter Vapour Pressure Deficit |
hPa |
Average vapour pressure deficit during the three winter months |
VPD_spr |
Spring Vapour Pressure Deficit |
hPa |
Average vapour pressure deficit during the three spring months |
VPD_aut |
Autumn Vapour Pressure Deficit |
hPa |
Average vapour pressure deficit during the three autumn months |
Thermic |
Thermicity |
°C |
Compensated thermicity index: sum of mean annual temp., min. temp. of coldest month, max. temp. of the coldest month, x 10, with compensations for better global comparability |
GDD5 |
Growing Degree Days 5 |
Integer |
Sum of mean monthly temperature for months with mean temperature greater than 5°C multiplied by number of days |
PET_wrm |
Potential Evapotranspiration during the warmest quarter |
mm |
Mean monthly PET of warmest quarter |
PET_cld |
Potential Evapotranspiration during the coldest quarter |
mm |
Mean monthly PET of coldest quarter |
MinT_W |
Minimum Temperature of the warmest month |
°C |
Minimum temperature of the warmest month |
MaxT_C |
Maximum Temperature of the coldest month |
°C |
Maximum temperature of the coldest month |
PET_ann_div10 |
Annual Potential Evapotranspiration divided by 10 |
mm |
Annual potential evapotranspiration divided by 10: a measure of the total annual ability of the atmosphere to remove water through evapotranspiration processes, given unlimited moisture |