The vegetation of Asia experiences a strong monsoonal climate. Leaves have to be adapted not only to several months when and where wet air masses dominate and precipitation is high, but also an extended dry season that coincides with the coolest part of the year. It is no surprise then, that the physiognomy of Asian leaves tends to be different from leaves growing in other climates. The monsoonal influence on foliar physiognomy is strongly expressed (Spicer et al., 2017). If you suspect that your fossil sites represent vegetation that grew under a monsoon climate you should use the PhysgAsia2 calibration. If you are unsure you should run an analysis using the global data set and if your fossil site locates in the monsoon domain then PhysgAsia2 is the calibration likely to give the most reliable outcomes. The following links allow you to download the calibration files, but note that you do not need to do this for an online analysis.
Download the PhysgAsia2AZ.csv physiognomic data file Scoresheets for sites comprising PhysgAsia2 calibration
PhysgAsia2AZ can be paired with either of the following files: Download the CRU2160_GRIDMet_Asia2AZ_11var.csv file |