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North Pacific AKSR-NASR Anadyr-Koryak Verkhoyansk-Chukotka Okhotsk-Chukotka N. Alaska Yukon Chignik


Northern Alaska (NASR)

This chart shows the relative positions of the phytostratigraphic horizons found in northern Alaska, the associated chronostratigraphy and regional taphofloras.

Clicking on the taphoflora symbols takes you to pages illustrating the material that is typical of those taphofloras.

Clicking on the divisions of the Floras column takes you to descriptions of the different phases of floral evolution in northern Alaska.

Alaska Correlation Chart


The correlations above are based on phytostratigraphy constrained by marine biostratigraphy (many of the non-marine units interfinger with fossiliferous marine sediments) and some Ar/Ar dated bentonites. Other isotopic dating methodologies (e.g. U/Pb of detrital zircons) may improve the resolution.

Hotspot linking to images illustrating leaves typical of the Tuluvak taphoflora Hotspot linking to description of the Niakogon phase of floral evolution in Alaska Hotspot linking to description of the Early Kukpowruk phase of floral evolution in Alaska Hotspot linking to the Mull et al 2003 chronostratigraphic chart Hotspot linking to the pages on the Sagavanirktok Area Hotspot linking to the North Sliope area map Hotspot linking to a map of the Kuk-Kaolak area Hotspot linking to a map of the Utokok-Corwin Area