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This work is the product of almost 40 years of research involving us in both Alaska and Russia. The number of people who have given us assistance on both sides of the Bearing Straits is enormous and to the many we have met and who have helped along the way we are deeply endebted. The following, some of whom have passed on, have made significant contributions and we thank them all for their various forms of assistance and companionship: L.N. Abramova, T.A. Ager, A.T. Ahlberg, M.A. Akhmetiev, V.V. Akinin, A. Ash, K.J. Bird, V.F. Belyi, B.V. Belaya, S. Box, G.M. Bratseva, E.M. Brouwers, L.Yu. Budantsev, W.A. Clemens, T. Collett, H. Craggs, G.T. Creber, R.L. Detterman, A.D. Devyatilova, G. Gryc, N.I. Filatova, G.G. Filippova, N. Frederikson, R. Gangloff, Yu.B. Gladenkov, L.B. Golovneva, V.N. Grigoriev, J.C. Hanley, J.H. Hutchison, D. Jolley, I.A. Iljinskaja, D.R. Klein, V.I. Koporulin, V.A. Krassilov, J. Kvaček, Z. Kvaček, E.L. Lebedev, L. Marincovich, Jr., N.P. Maslova, S.V. Meyen, M.G. Moiseeva, C.A. Molenaar, C.G. Mull, G. Nelm, L.A. Nessov, J.M. Parrish, J.T. Parrish, W.W. Patton, Jr., N.I. Filatova, L.A. Phillips, P.M. Rees, C.A. Repenning, D.A. Russell, V.P. Pokhialainen, M.I. Raikevich, S. Saward, V.A. Samylina, H.C. Schorn, S.V. Shchepetov, C.J. Smiley, O.J. Smith and family, G.D. Stricker, G.P. Terekhova, V.A. Vakhrameev, N.D. Vassilevskaya, V.I. Volobueva, M. Wartes, S. Wing, J.A. Wolfe, V.A. Zacharov, our superbly skilled pilots and numerous people of the Yukon River area, the North Slope Borough and Chukotka.

We are also grateful for support, financial or in kind, from the following organizations: American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund; North Atlantic Treaty Organization, through Grants for International Scientific Cooperation 646184 and RG.84/0646; U.S. Geological Survey; British Petroleum; Oxford University; The University of London; The Open University, INTAS Grant No. 95-0949; The Royal Society, The Crafoord Foundation; The U.S. National Museum, Smithsonian Institution; The State of Alaska Geological and Geophysical Surveys and the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Project no. 12-05-00483.

Field observations and plant fossils collecting have been carried out in collaboration with A.T. Ahlberg, Yu.E. Apt, N.M. Chumakov, L.B. Golovneva, D. Jolley, S.G. Kozlova (Kamzolova), E.I. Kostina, B.A. Krassov, E.L. Lebedev, Ch.G. Mull, M.G. Moiseeva, M.I. Raikevich, P.M. Rees, V.N. Savchenko, V. Sergienko, L. Sergienko, R. Sergienko and S.V. Shchepetov.

Finally a very special 'thank you' goes to Ken Bird, without whom this online catalogue would never have been realised, Richard Stanley for his help with the review process and Yang Jian for facilitating server support.