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Lower Colville River, Locality 86/23

Northern Alaska Map          


The Barrow trail member of the Schrader Bluff Formation. Olive gray cross bedded fine sandstone, ripple marked, including interference ripples, bioturbated and containing numerous wood fragments up to 11 cm long, inoceramus fragments and bivalves. This unit is overlain by a yellowish brown weathering very fine sandstone/siltstone approximately 3 m thick. Above this is a platy yellowish gray fine sandstone with a relatively depauperate fauna of inoceramids and bivalves. Low angle to hummocky cross stratification. This is overlain by a dark bioturbated mudstone with fine sands associated with flaser bedding grading into a light gray very fine sandstone with large inoceramids.

  Map of the colville River below Umiat Hotspot linking to page describing locality 86/21 Hotspot linking to page describing locality86/22 Hotspot linking to page describing locality 86/23 Hotspot linking to page describing locality 86/24 Hotspot linking to page describing locality 86?25 Hotspot linking to a page describing locality 86/26 Hotspot linking to a page describing locality 86/27 Hotspot linking to a page describing locality 86/28 Hotspot linking to a page describing locality 86/29 Hotspot linking to a page describing locality 30 Hotspot linking to a page describing locality 86/31 Hotspot linking to a page describing locality 86/32 Hotspot linking to a page describing locality  86/33 Hotspot linking to a page describing locality  86/34 Hotspot linking to a page describing locality  86/35 Hotspot linking to a page describing locality  86/36 Hotspot linking to a page describing locality  86/37 Hotspot linking to a page describing locality 86/38 Hotspot linking to a page describing locality 86/39 Hotspot linking to a page describing locality  86/40 Hotspot linking to a page describing locality  86/41 Hotspot linking to a page describing locality  86/42 Hotspot linking to a page describing locality  86/43 Hotspot linking to a page describing locality  86/44 Hotspot linking to a page describing locality  86/45 Hotspot linking to a page describing locality 86/46 Hotspot linking to a page describing locality 86/47 Hotspot linking to a page describing locality 86/48 Hotspot linking to a page describing locality 86/50 Hotspot linking to a page describing locality 86/52 Hotspot linking to a page describing locality 86/53 Hotspot linking to a page describing locality 86/55 Hotspot linking to a page describing locality 86/57 Hotspot linking to a page describing locality 86/59 Hotspot linking to a page describing locality 86/60 Hotspot linking to a page describing Smiley's locality Co. 49 Hotspot linking to a page describing Smiley's locality Col. 50 Hotspot linking to a page describing Smiley's locality Col. 51 Hotspot linking to a page describing Smiley's locality Col. 52 Hotspot linking to a page describing Smiley's locality Col. 54_55
  Interactive map of the lower reaches of the Colville River showing plant fossil localities sampled by Smiley (1969) and by Parrish and Spicer in 1986.
Field photograph from the air showing exposures of the Prince Creek Formation along the western side of the Colville River
Part of the exposure of the Prince Creek Formation (formerly the Kogosukruk Tongue of the Prince Creek Formation) on the western side of the Colville River between Uluksrak Bluff and Ocean Point.


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