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Early Kogosukruk Floral Phase



Lower Colville River Map

Northern Alaska Map




Lower Colville Collections of Spicer and Parrish


All fossils are in the USNM collections and were collected by C.J. Smiley.












4 Col. 50 Umiat Mtn. Camp.-Sant. Fern Arctopteris  cf. rarinervis Samylina Arctopteris
22 Col. 50 Umiat Mtn. Camp.-Sant. Angios. Dicot frag. Dicot 84
19 Col. 50 Umiat Mtn. Camp.-Sant. Angios. Platanoid frag. Dicot 88
28 Col. 50 Umiat Mtn. Camp.-Sant. Angios. Platanoid frag. Dicot 83
23 Col. 50 Umiat Mtn. Camp.-Sant. Angios. ? Pseudoprotophyllum sp. Dicot 84
27 Col. 50 Umiat Mtn. Camp.-Sant. Angios. ? Pseudoprotophyllum cf. boreale (Dawson) Hollick Dicot 83
21 Col. 50 Umiat Mtn. Camp.-Sant. Angios. Pseudoprotophyllum cf. boreale (Dawson) Hollick Dicot 84
20 Col. 50 Umiat Mtn. Camp.-Sant. Angios. Trochodendroides sp. Dicot 90
21 Col. 51 Umiat Mtn. Camp.-Sant. Angios. Quereuxia angulata (Newberry) Krysht. Trapa ?
12 Col. 51 Umiat Mtn. Camp.-Sant. Conifer   Sequoia   obovata Kowlton Conifer 7
26 Col. 51 Umiat Mtn. Camp.-Sant. Fern  Gleichenites zippei (Corda) Seward Fern 21
27 Col. 51 Umiat Mtn. Camp.-Sant. Fern  Gleichenites zippei (Corda) Seward Fern 21
28 Col. 51 Umiat Mtn. Camp.-Sant. Fern  Gleichenites zippei (Corda) Seward Fern 21
18 Col. 52 Shivugak Bluff Camp.-Sant. Angios. cf. Juglandiphyllites sp. Dicot 86
17 Col. 52 Shivugak Bluff Camp.-Sant. Angios. Phragmites sp. Potomogeton ?