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Geology - Arctic Slope, Alaska

Introduction Alaska Russia Paleogeography Energy Resources  


NASR Geology NASR Stratigraphy NASR 3D Model Yukon-Koyukuk Chignik Nelson/Nunivak Islands


Using 48,000 km of two dimensional seismic data and information from over 400 boreholes Schenk et al. (2012) modelled the 3D structure of Northern Alaska. Below are selected time slices showing the modeled progradation of the middle Cretaceous to Present deltaic deposits (the Brookian Successions) from southwest to northeast across northern Alaska. The view is from the south looking roughly North-Northwest. The cut plane (in front) is located in the deepest part of the Colville Basin. The Cretaceous rock are underlain by the Lower Cretaceous Unconformity (LCU). The present day coastline is indicated by the black line. Hue-GRZ = Hue–Gamma Ray Zone.   Key for 3D models
3D Model of Northern Alaska Geology, Present Day



3D Model of Northern Alaska Geology, 40 Ma

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3D Model of Northern Alaska Geology, 60 Ma

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3D Model of Northern Alaska Geology, 97 Ma97 Ma

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3D Model of Northern Alaska Geology, 110 Ma

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3D Model of Northern Alaska Geology, 120 Ma

Reprinted by permission of the AAPG whose permission is required for further use. AAPG©2012

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